Microscopic fungus that lives on toenails, dead skin tissue, hair and outer layers of skin is responsible for common skin infections on feet like Athlete’s foot. It is contagious and can spread via public changing rooms like the gym, rest rooms and pools.
Common symptoms include itchiness, redness, peeling, cracking, scaling, burning and/or blisters on the skin on your feet.
You can prevent the condition by keeping your feet dry, alternating your shoes, wearing thongs in public showers or wearing Akeso Socks.
Akeso Socks can eradicate common skin infections on your feet, due to the unique METIS Fibre with inherent antifungal properties.
When you wear Akeso Socks the active METIS Fibre kills the fungi on your feet and your skin infection will clear up.
The comfortable socks also wick away and absorb moisture from your skin, keeping your feet dry and odourless.